About Jury Nights and Secondhand Day round-tables

Dear Community,

First of all, we would like to thank you for the more than 100 projects you submitted for the CE Incubator!

We have now informed the projects that have been shortlisted to present their solution in front of a jury. As with previous editions, there will be three different jury nights this week – on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday:

28 September: Geneva/Lausanne (virtual)

29 September: Bern/Basel (on-site at Impact Hub Bern)

30 September: Zurich/Ticino (virtual)

Get your ticket now!

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Although our focus is clearly on the CE Incubator right now, we had the honor of attending the CE² conference last Wednesday and hosting the Secondhand Day pre-events last Friday at the Impact Hubs in Lausanne, Bern and Zürich (re-watch the round-tables on Circular Heroes, the consumer’s role, and circular fashion here)!

Warm regards,

Your CET Team

>>> Read more about upcoming events, news from your alumni, and business opportunities in our September Newsletter <<<

Viktor Vogt